OUR LATEST UPDATE:  Biocoat Secures New Patent for Non-PFAS Inner Diameter Coating… READ MORE

Online Ordering


Biocoat is a “make to order” manufacturing operation.  Due to the short shelf-life of our products we do not inventory any finished goods.  This means orders are not scheduled until we have received your Web Order and Purchase Order.  On average it takes twelve (12) business days to manufacture an order.  Starting 1-Aug-2023, the web portal will no longer allow you to place orders less than twelve (12) business days in advance of requested shipment.  The system will require you to plan out a minimum of twelve (12) business days before it will allow you to schedule the selected product for shipment.  If you submit an order less than twelve (12) business days in advance of requested shipment, the system will send you a message stating you are less than twelve (12) business days and the order is being held as a “PENDING QUOTE”.

NOTE: Orders in “PENDING QUOTE” have not yet been submitted to Customer Service and will not be submitted to Customer Service until the date is adjusted and the order is resubmitted.  All orders are under and subject to the terms and conditions of the applicable Limited License and Supply Agreement of Biocoat Incorporated and the customer.

Should you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at service@biocoat.com or call (614) 924-0133.

Let’s Connect

Our team of engineers would be glad to have a discussion about your project and its requirements.
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